If you listen to me regularly, you may know, I offer various types of coaching packages, including calls, text, and email support…details of which can be found on my website at breakupboost.com … but I have been thinking lately…
“How could I be more accessible to my listeners and coaching clients?”
I get so many emails every week from people struggling with whatever is going on in their lives…needing someone to talk to. So I am really excited to announce that you can call me direct now at your convenience!
Listen now to get the scoop on how this service will work or CLICK HERE to read full details.
The number to call is 1-85-LOVE-LIFE (1-855-683-5433). Callers must be 18+.
Your first 10 minutes are FREE. (First time callers.)
Please note that this service should not be misconstrued as therapeutic advice, diagnosis, as a replacement for psychotherapy, or to be used as a way to treat mental illness. If you’re struggling in any of these ways, please consult your doctor or therapist.
What else can I offer you?
(1) ORDER EMAIL or PHONE coaching at breakupBOOST.com
(2) Be sure to check out my breakup and dating merch HERE for a BOOST!
(3) Grab a copy of my book: Don’t Be Desperate: Get Over Your Breakup with Clarity & Dignity!
– Trina Leckie