#2: You Just Broke Up with Your Boyfriend / Girlfriend…Now What?

So you just broke up with your boyfriend, your girlfriend…or separated from your wife or husband.  Everyone in this situation has something in common – they’re hurt. Yes, some may be much more affected than others, but it’s extremely rare to just be able to breakup and not feel anything. Even if you are super angry for the reason of the breakup, that is still an emotion of hurt and it stings. Here’s how you can expect to be feeling over the next little while…and tips to help you cope:

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(1) ORDER EMAIL or PHONE coaching at breakupBOOST.com

(2) CALL 1-85-LOVE-LIFE (1-855-683-5433) to talk to Trina now! No appointment needed. First 10 minutes FREE for first-time callers.

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