The email coaching service enables you to conveniently get personalized advice for your situation by email. “Analysis” is my middle name!
Email coaching is ideal for someone looking for advice for a breakup, confusing situationship, relationship problem… or even rebuilding self-esteem, starting a new chapter, and the like. Or maybe you’re venturing out into the dating world again and want to play your cards right this time. Whatever the case may be, ask me anything!
Scroll down to see what past clients have said about their experience with email coaching.
- My style is to provide direct advice in a compassionate way. When it comes to relationship issues, many people don’t want to hear what they NEED to hear, but I am not one to believe in sugarcoating things. That doesn’t help people.
- Ask any type of breakup, relationship, or dating questions.
- Please describe your situation in detail.
- Ensure you include all pertinent details – who is involved, your ages, last time you spoke and saw each other, what happened, your main concern(s), and your question(s) for me.
- You will receive a detailed, comprehensive response that spans several pages. There’s no “general” or “brief” around here! I dedicate a lot of time and effort into examining every facet of your situation to give you the most tailored advice possible. I want you to feel that you’re getting full value for your money and that you’re moving in the right direction, feeling more at ease, validated, supported, and empowered. No stones are left unturned.
- The email advice for breakups, etc., is great because then you have something to refer to ongoing to keep you focused and mentally strong. (Clients always tell me they read the email over and over again. Plus, you will be able to look back one day and see how far you’ve come.)
CLICK HERE to Order Email Advice from Trina @$149 USD
After ordering, please email me at: with “Email Package” in the subject line of your email. You will receive your thorough reply within 24 to 72 hours.
What Clients Have Said About Email Coaching:
I was going to counselling for a while, but never felt any resolution, and to be frank, the counsellor seemed like she was always just watching the clock and not really invested in our sessions. THEN the night I googled for email advice for a breakup or heartbreak or something like that and landed on your website, I had no idea it would be my saving grace. I REALLY REALLY REALLY needed someone to tell me all of these things because I was completely deluding myself. I never knew that someone who is a literally stranger could bring me to tears, in a good way of course, plus make me laugh at the same time. YOU ROCK! My daughters are in their 20’s and love your podcast and tell all of their friends too! As a mother, it’s so nice to know that someone is steering my daughters in the right direction because I am so lost on all of this modern dating stuff. We love you, Trina.
Wow, I just read everything, I want to say I appreciate you, I mean 13 pages of wisdom I feel like I owe you 100 bucks a page! Every word you said I just hope to have it cemented into my brain, you are completely right.
Next-level. How did you get so intuitive? I love how you called me out. It opened my eyes, which was exactly what I needed. Thank you for being brave and not just tell people what they want to hear.
I am UNSTUCK! Thank you for being honest with me. I needed someone to knock some sense into me cause I’ve been living in delusion far too long, just to make myself feel better about staying. Kicking myself for not reaching out sooner, but like you said, focus on now and not what has been.
Thank you doesn’t seem strong enough to express my immense gratitude to you. Your words, the feelings, and encouragement in the message helped me exhale so deeply. I didn’t realize I was suffocating myself emotionally until I read and truly felt your words. Your gifts of Wisdom, Compassion, Authenticity, and Encouragement are truly remarkable.
The way you analyzed all of the parts of my email really amazed me. It’s like you could see the big picture and even fill in the missing parts that I didn’t even tell you about. If that’s not intuitive, I dunno what is.
You are my earth angel. Client for life!
For so long, I never felt heard. Thank you for showing me I really wasn’t going “crazy.” You have renewed a sense of peace in my soul and I actually believe I can have a better life without my ex now. A MUCH BETTER life, actually. Thank you so much.
I was in such a bad place, I contacted 3 different coaches and kept coming up more hopeless than before. They felt like they were so general – the kind of info that would apply to anyone like a robot. THEN I was referred to you by my sister in law who has also contacted you in the past. 15 and a half page or super personalized response?? Are you fricking kidding me?? You made me feel heard and appreciated as a client. You stand out and then some and deserve to be very successful in life. Don’t stop shining.
Trina, you have a God given gift for understanding human behavior. Thank you for snapping me out of the fog and for all of the time you spent on my email reply. I don’t think people realize how impactful this is because if word got around, you would be doing email coaching 24/7. May God Bless you and always keep you safe! You are like my coach and my online BFF!
I just have one word:
I have read and re-read your email at least 20 times (so far). I now see how valuable it is to have something like this to look back on whenever I feel weak or need a confidence boost. My ex will never be coming through my front door again. I am so turned off by him now, I honestly think I was in a trance lol. Thank you for your guidance. You really have a knack for this.
WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE????? The person I never knew I needed.
As a 42 year old man, I don’t really have people to talk to about anything love-related. My buddies don’t know what to say, so to say it was refreshing to get an honest point of view from a woman who REALLY gets it, is an understatement. You dissected my situation like a doctor doing surgery haha. The best money I have spent in a long time. I feel like a major weight has been lifted.
Thank you so much for everything, it’s so detailed and personal. I can tell you care about everyone that writes to you. I appreciate you so much!
I had been listening to your podcast since around 2018 and always had the urge to reach out for email coaching. Now I am kicking myself that I took THIS long to do so because I could have literally FREED myself years ago. I was in awe when I got this 16 page report back lol. How long did it take you to do this?! lol This was the wake up call I needed and now I look back and can’t believe I was even married to that guy! The whole “what was I thinking?” that you often talk about came to me loud and clear. I have no words – thank you just doesn’t cut it, but thank you for giving me my life back.
My co-worker sent me a link about your book (I think she was sick of hearing about my drama lol) and then I ended up listening to your podcast for about 12 hours straight haha. That’s when I knew I had to reach out for coaching. It felt so comfortable because it was as though I knew you already. You really know how to relate and give people a safe space to put it all out there. Thank you for “getting it” and making me feel not so alone anymore.
I had been seeing a therapist for about 8 months because I was so stuck after my breakup and in turn that made me feel crappy about my life in general. I was in a rut and felt like no one understood and as though there was no way out. To tell you the truth, I don’t even believe in therapy because it feels pointless to me, personally, and as though I leave more unsettled and lost for solutions than when I arrived, but I didn’t know what else to do. But the ironic part is a woman who was also getting a coffee next to the therapist office one day sat with me (because all of the other seats were taken) and we started chatting and long story short, she recommended YOUR PODCAST ha! Ever since I started listening to your podcast and ordered your email coaching, I haven’t spent one more cent on therapy! I never knew such a service existed and I had never even listened to a podcast before. You have a fan and client for LIFE. You made everything make so much sense and just have a way of getting right to the point! I hadn’t realized this whole time I was holding myself back. I appreciate you more than there are stars in the sky! I have regained my confidence!
Disclaimer: The information, posts, podcast episodes, opinions, and coaching provided by breakup BOOST is provided for general information and should not be misconstrued as counselling advice, diagnosis, as a replacement for psychotherapy, or to be used as a way to treat mental illness. Consult your doctor or counselor to determine the best course of action for you.
As laws, details, and personal situations vary from person to person, province to province, and state to state – articles and content contained herein are not and cannot to be used as a substitute for legal, parental, health, mental health, career or financial advice.
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