Phone Coaching with Trina


Do you need someone to talk to? Feeling down and need a boost? Seeking advice for how to handle your situation?  Need to get something off your chest to be able to breathe again? Need a plan on how to move forward? Are you trying to go “no contact” and struggling not to call your ex?  Whatever the case may be, I can help you with personalized advice and guidance for your situation.  

DETAILS: 30-minute or 60-minute calls are available – use links below to order.

I will email you within 24 hours of receiving your order so that we can choose a day and time for the call that best fits your schedule. If you do NOT receive an email from me, please check your junk, as it may have ended up there – there is no way that I would miss your order and not email you.

Please note: Time goes by quickly on the calls, so if your situation requires a lot of explanation, I would suggest to book the 60-minute call. The 30-minute is perfect for follow-up calls, when you need a refresher, for staying on track, for when you need clarity on something that has come up, etc. (Use your best judgement re: how much time you require.)

Book 30 min HERE = $59 USD
Book 60 min HERE = $99 USD 



Call the Breakup Hotline to talk with Trina. No appointment needed for this service.  Click here for details. 


Disclaimer: The information, posts, podcast episodes, opinions, and coaching provided by breakup BOOST is provided for general information and should not be misconstrued as counselling advice, diagnosis, as a replacement for psychotherapy, or to be used as a way to treat mental illness. Consult your doctor or counselor to determine the best course of action for you.

As laws, details, and personal situations vary from person to person, province to province, and state to state – articles and content contained herein are not and cannot to be used as a substitute for legal, parental, health, mental health, career or financial advice.

Trina is a breakup coach in Vancouver, but helps people worldwide via email and phone coaching. Be sure to listen to the best breakup podcast to help keep you focused and on track with your healing process: “breakup BOOST Advice to Get Over Your Ex.”

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