When it comes to relationship problems, some people rely on “praying on it”. Curious what I have to say about this? Get more help: (1) ORDER EMAIL or PHONE coaching at breakupBOOST.com (2) CALL 1-85-LOVE-LIFE…
Browsing CategoryRelationship Problems
#95: When The Honeymoon Phase Ends
You know when you first meet someone and everything is awesome? Better than you could have dreamed? That’s the “honeymoon phase”. Then at some point things start to taper off…and eventually the honeymoon phase ends……
#91: Can’t Let Go of Relationship
When you know it’s not working out, you know that you aren’t getting along, you know that you have tried everything to fix things…but you just can’t seem to let go of your ex. No….
#88: Wearing a Mask is for Halloween
Halloween is just around the corner…and I’m sure many of you are celebrating early this weekend. (Remember to check your candy for safety lol) So yeah…this episode was inspired by Halloween…but it applies to everyday…
#85: Broken Trust in Relationships
The topic of this episode is TRUST. There are so many relationship issues that people can have. But the one type of issue that causes the most problems and hurt involves trust. And you’re probably…
#80: Moving On Pep Talk
So I think it’s time for a pep talk. (You should also check out Episode 53: Let Them Go Pep Talk.) This episode is for all of you out there who are: Trying to move…
#79: Micro-Cheating in Relationships
Cheating is cheating. Unfortunately, some people like to downplay their cheating so they can feel less guilt about what they are doing…like they are doing “nothing wrong”. (Insert side eye here.) It falls umbrella of…
#77: 2 Words to Avoid When Arguing
The topic of this episode is “2 Words to Avoid When Arguing”… So…what I am about to talk about is a really important topic when it comes fighting…and not just in romantic relationships, but in…
#75: Petty Arguments in Relationships
I think it goes without saying that arguments suck. Petty arguments suck even more – in my opinion – because when you start arguing about petty things, that’s usually not even the reason why you…
#74: Jealousy After a Breakup
The topic of this episode is jealousy after a breakup. I’m sure many of you out there struggle with this, or are currently struggling with this as we speak. Breakups would be so much easier…
#72: Wasted Time in Relationships
After a breakup or divorce, it’s almost inevitable that you’re going to feel…at some point…like you wasted your time or that the person you were dating or married to wasted your time. That said, it…
#65: Khloe Kardashian & Tristan Thompson – CHEATING Scandal
Hi everyone. So I was not expecting to ever be doing an episode about a Kardashian, but hey, as Justin Bieber says, never say never. I’m commenting on the jaw dropping, breaking news about Tristan…