It is so stressful when your relationship is on the rocks. Sometimes this leads to one person suggesting to “take a break”. Have you ever been in a relationship where you found yourself on “a…
Posts Taggedbest relationship advice
#105: Nice Guys Finish Last
I dive into this topic IN DETAIL to set the record straight on this cliche! It’s all about perspective after all… Trina is your best friend after a breakup! Connect on social media @breakupBOOST. What…
#99: Waiting for the Holiday Text from Your Ex
I know that so many of you listening right now are going through this, because it’s so common…and probably goes through 99% of people’s heads after a breakup. So here’s the rundown of waiting for…
#85: Broken Trust in Relationships
The topic of this episode is TRUST. There are so many relationship issues that people can have. But the one type of issue that causes the most problems and hurt involves trust. And you’re probably…
#78: They Look Good On Paper
The topic of this episode is “They look good on paper.” I think this topic pertains more to women than men…because I have actually never heard a guy say this phrase before (although I’m sure…
#77: 2 Words to Avoid When Arguing
The topic of this episode is “2 Words to Avoid When Arguing”… So…what I am about to talk about is a really important topic when it comes fighting…and not just in romantic relationships, but in…
#73: Kindness & Calmness in Dealing with People
This episode will give you some new ideas and fresh perspectives as to how to more effectively deal with people (and loved ones) with kindness and calmness. Is it always easy to do this? Hell…
#55: Looking for Closure from Your Last Relationship?
Closure. We hear this word most often from people who are broken up with. Have you been wanting to contact your ex for closure? Seeking one last meetup for closure? You’re probably thinking this podcast…