Have kids and getting a divorce? Considering getting a divorce? … or maybe you know someone with kids planning to get a divorce. Please share this episode with them! What else can I offer you?…
Posts Taggeddivorce podcast
#95: When The Honeymoon Phase Ends
You know when you first meet someone and everything is awesome? Better than you could have dreamed? That’s the “honeymoon phase”. Then at some point things start to taper off…and eventually the honeymoon phase ends……
#93: One Decision Away
If you are super heartbroken right now, in a relationship that is going nowhere, and frankly just want to get your life back…this episode is for YOU! LISTEN NOW: What else can I offer you?…
#85: Broken Trust in Relationships
The topic of this episode is TRUST. There are so many relationship issues that people can have. But the one type of issue that causes the most problems and hurt involves trust. And you’re probably…