#113: Stop Wondering WHY in Rocky Relationships

Ever been in rollercoaster relationship? Maybe you are in one now.

They suck the life out of you. I know from experience.

No, you can’t control someone else’s behaviour, BUT you don’t have to put up with it either.

I don’t want to see anyone else suffer from these situations longer than they have to. Here’s some “real talk” for you, cause sugarcoating it won’t help you move forward…xo -Trina


What else can I offer you?

(1) ORDER EMAIL or PHONE coaching at breakupBOOST.com

(2) Be sure to check out my breakup and dating merch HERE for a BOOST!

(3) Grab a copy of my book: Don’t Be Desperate: Get Over Your Breakup with Clarity & Dignity!

– Trina Leckie

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