I say this phrase repeatedly on my episodes and in my coaching practice, and figured I should do a WHOLE episode on it: Actions Speak Louder Than Words. It’s one of the most important things…
Posts Taggedrelationship help
#126: Breaking Up When No Specific Problem
So many breakups end on a bad note, that it can seem odd to just be able to end a relationship on good terms. It can cause you to second guess your decision or overthink…
#113: Stop Wondering WHY in Rocky Relationships
Ever been in rollercoaster relationship? Maybe you are in one now. They suck the life out of you. I know from experience. No, you can’t control someone else’s behaviour, BUT you don’t have to put…
#107: The TRUTH About Narcissistic Personality Disorder Podcast
The word “Narcissist” is being thrown around these days like no tomorrow…and it’s kinda, shall I say, driving me crazy! LISTEN to my perspective on this NOW: What else can I offer you? (1) ORDER…
#96: Your Most Important Relationship
This episode is all about The Most Important Relationship of Your Life. Do you know what it is? LISTEN NOW to find out: What else can I offer you? (1) ORDER EMAIL or PHONE coaching at breakupBOOST.com (2) Be…
#89: Love Bombing
Some of you may have never heard this phrase before…but once you find out what it is…you may be like “Hey! That happened to me!” or you may be thinking “Yikes…I think this is happening…
#85: Broken Trust in Relationships
The topic of this episode is TRUST. There are so many relationship issues that people can have. But the one type of issue that causes the most problems and hurt involves trust. And you’re probably…
#81: Being “Alone” After a Breakup or Divorce
The topic of this episode is Being “Alone”…in the sense of being fresh (or semi-fresh) out of a relationship. After a breakup or a divorce, people often refer to it as “being alone” – –…
#75: Petty Arguments in Relationships
I think it goes without saying that arguments suck. Petty arguments suck even more – in my opinion – because when you start arguing about petty things, that’s usually not even the reason why you…
#72: Wasted Time in Relationships
After a breakup or divorce, it’s almost inevitable that you’re going to feel…at some point…like you wasted your time or that the person you were dating or married to wasted your time. That said, it…
#70: Call 1-85-LOVE-LIFE for Relationship, Breakup, Dating Advice
If you listen to me regularly, you may know, I offer various types of coaching packages, including calls, text, and email support…details of which can be found on my website at breakupboost.com … but I…
#48: Appreciation & Effort in a Relationship
Two key ingredients that are required to have a happy and healthy relationship for dating or marriage are appreciation and effort. They’re pretty much the glue that keep a relationship humming along in a positive…