On Instagram, I asked my followers to comment on what they wanted me to talk about in Episode 120 – the topic I chose is from Jenny: “How to let go of the concepts of…
Posts Taggedbest relationship podcast
#119: Love HURTS is a Myth
A breakup / divorce is one of the most painful experiences one can endure in life. And because of this, when people get their hearts broken, they often say things like “I never want to…
#117: Ultimatums in Relationships
An ultimatum is a demand which, if not met, will end a relationship or otherwise result in some serious consequence. For example, when a woman says to her boyfriend “marry me or I am leaving…
#115: Completely Shocked About The Breakup
I’ve lost count at the number of people who I coach or who message me or email me saying how completely shocked they were about the breakup. That they can’t believe it happened. That everything…
#111: My Saturday Night & The ‘breakup BOOST’ Hall of Shame
Wanna hear about my Saturday night? It has inspired the ‘breakup BOOST’ Hall of Shame! (play below) If you have a dating horror story or just want to vent about someone you had a bad…
#106: 20 Questions re: Dating & Relationships
Out of 20 random questions, you should be able to relate to at least one! Listen to this episode NOW: What else can I offer you? (1) ORDER EMAIL or PHONE coaching at breakupBOOST.com (2) Be sure to check…
#105: Nice Guys Finish Last
I dive into this topic IN DETAIL to set the record straight on this cliche! It’s all about perspective after all… Trina is your best friend after a breakup! Connect on social media @breakupBOOST. What…
#103: Gaslighting in Relationships
The more aware you are about things, the better…and this is ESPECIALLY true when it comes to gaslighting. I explain how gaslighters use this toxic tactic in relationships. I also touch on the signs to…
#101: Relationship Wisdom with Don Miguel Ruiz Jr
Grateful for the insight shared in this episode by Don Miguel Ruiz Jr – a Toltec Master of Transformation and author of several books. His most recent book is The Seven Secrets to Healthy, Happy…
#96: Your Most Important Relationship
This episode is all about The Most Important Relationship of Your Life. Do you know what it is? LISTEN NOW to find out: What else can I offer you? (1) ORDER EMAIL or PHONE coaching at breakupBOOST.com (2) Be…
#94: Game Plan for 2019
Gosh, did 2018 fly by at the speed of light or what?! It seemed like a weird year to me…kind of all over the place. Dunno if you can relate. That said, I put together…
#93: One Decision Away
If you are super heartbroken right now, in a relationship that is going nowhere, and frankly just want to get your life back…this episode is for YOU! LISTEN NOW: What else can I offer you?…