#35: Choose People Who Choose YOU!

When it comes to dating and relationships, it seems like it would be extremely obvious – to choose someone who actually chooses to be with you too.  If the person you are interested in doesn’t choose you, the smart solution should be to accept it and move on. However, that’s not always the case and results in tons of broken hearts walking around aimlessly… feeling lost, depressed, and like there is no one else in the world they can be with or would ever want to be with. They try absolutely everything and anything to get this person to be with them.

I’m hoping this episode can give you a fresh perspective on why you should only choose people who choose you.


What else can I offer you?

(1) ORDER EMAIL or PHONE coaching at breakupBOOST.com

(2) Be sure to check out my breakup and dating merch HERE for a BOOST!

(3) Grab a copy of my book: Don’t Be Desperate: Get Over Your Breakup with Clarity & Dignity!

– Trina Leckie

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