So since it’s 2018, I wanted to start doing something new with the podcast. Some of you are probably familiar with the website Well, it’s a site where anyone can go on and ask…
Breakup Advice Blog
Happy to be Featured as a #TopPodcast Podfluencer…
Grateful to Kurt Laufer for the opportunity to be interviewed and featured as a #TopPodcast Podfluencer. Check it out HERE!
#51: Get Your Ex Back
For starters, if you’ve come to this page, you need THIS BOOK. Wouldn’t it be better to stop chasing after your ex and regain a sense of control and peace in your life? That said…….
#48: Appreciation & Effort in a Relationship
Two key ingredients that are required to have a happy and healthy relationship for dating or marriage are appreciation and effort. They’re pretty much the glue that keep a relationship humming along in a positive…
#46: How to Use The Law of Attraction to Manifest Your Ideal Partner & Relationship with Michael Losier
I am thrilled and extremely honored to have Michael Losier as my guest on this episode: Michael is the “go-to” guy for The Law of Attraction, a best-selling author, and is so passionate about teaching…
#43: Don’t Call Them Crazy!
When relationships break down, people get frustrated and say all kinds of things to intentionally to hurt the other person, whether they may be true or not. Even if you are super upset, the best…
#41: Do You Apologize the “Proper” Way?
Do you apologize the proper way? Do you even know what this means? Well, this episode is all about apologies. This may seem like something that is common sense…but I think everyone will be able…
#39: Social Media ISN’T Why Your Relationship Failed. However…
More and more people are citing Facebook and Instagram as the reason as to why their relationship failed. I say this is ridiculous. I also touch on what you can do to try to prevent…
#35: Choose People Who Choose YOU!
When it comes to dating and relationships, it seems like it would be extremely obvious – to choose someone who actually chooses to be with you too. If the person you are interested in doesn’t…
#33: Makeover After a Breakup or Divorce to BOOST Your Confidence
You definitely need to focus on rebuilding BOTH the inner you and outer you after a breakup or divorce. You can end up feeling really crummy, sad, and even unattractive after a breakup or divorce….
#2: You Just Broke Up with Your Boyfriend / Girlfriend…Now What?
So you just broke up with your boyfriend, your girlfriend…or separated from your wife or husband. Everyone in this situation has something in common – they’re hurt. Yes, some may be much more affected than…
#1: Heal Your Heart with Relationship Help from breakup BOOST
Going through a breakup or divorce? Need a support system? The breakup BOOST podcast helps thousands of people every day and it can help you too! – Trina LISTEN NOW: What else can I offer…